Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Where To Buy Fingerboards In New York
Sometimes there are news where you ask yourself what may well say to the Light Warrior Group. Well, what good? But this one then fits more like the hero concept. he had known who that is, he would not have been shot, said the enemy when he learned who he was as fired. Always a good example of what effect personal meetings so all could . If it is true. Is it true? be expected
This is probably the more likely no opinion from leading luminaries of the scene. You have to be set up everything in perspective. Do you?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Nice Message For The Birth Of A New Baby
.. as every where everything must always a little perspective be. Also here, as you can now read in the FAZ-Net . We only treat anything.
"At least 310 km / h top are specified, the onboard computer reported at the first exit at 316 km / h - with the roof open after such a sporty ride was announced because of only 78 liters in the tank after about 250 km pit stop, the manufacturer promises.. an average of 13.1 liters per 100 kilometers (306 g / km CO2). This is of course still unreasonable, but must perspective, given the necessary performance be. "
Eben, who wanted to complain because, after 310 km per hour is not a trifle. These are real results, see themselves can. In an hour from Hannover to the Danish border. This creates not even have an ICE. And that is much more expensive. The costs millions! Is perfectly clear that the well no one buys. In addition, the constantly in the garage because of the axes, but is annoying.
Friday, November 14, 2008
How Do You Know If Emu Boots Are Real Or Fake
I'm not entirely sure why I remember the Info3 people present to members of a rabbit breeders association, who are the rights of her own club in question because it but actually fighting dogs, the majority of the members but rather continue rabbits want to breed. It has certainly looked before dawn times. In any case, it will be interesting to talk to - will be lit so that - eventually.
And there are currently no other major issues. And style and like silly questions to be solved anyway on Stammtisch . Finally, one can say yes there probably times his mind. Where are we? So where about? The Barf Bag went out in the last week, unfortunately.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Where Can I Find The New Riddell Speed Facemasks
Musical Youth Projects
the International Beethoven Festival
in Bonn

open-air stages
Music Theatre
-class chamber music
Sing, Sing for all!
artists in schools
schools in the concert
a network between young and old ,
between amateurs and professionals
a citizens' movement for young people
and ...

- a dynamic network of numerous schools and cultural institutions
- classical music, the young man smitten
- flute violin meets meets meets piano song ... - A platform for musical encounters beyond their own school
- creative musical theater at a high level
- 100% utilization - our audience has us the way!
- annual opening of the Beethoven Festival with over 1000 pupils on stages throughout the city
- musical coaching for outstanding ensemble work
- encounters with major artists of the Beethoven Festival
- new worlds of experience with classical music for young people
- workshops and Master classes
- over 100 dedicated music educators and other arts professionals who participate voluntarily

There is already Wettbwerb - not only with the glut of electronic entertainment media, but also with leisure activities, in which sophisticated culture can not claim on their own.
A well-maintained for centuries around the world culture, the "Classic", was and is the climax of a musical and spiritual power with which the was founded international reputation of Germany as a cultural nation . It is still standard in a unique cultural landscape, also new, experimental and challenging artistic approaches gives weight.
The careful and committed musical and spiritual education of the young talent Ludwig van Beethoven in Bonn, we must be committed to, today introduce young people to cultural values, their sensation wealth and ideas through "beautiful to ignite spark of divinity ".
the outstanding opportunity to use in this city Beethoven as representatives of a cultural identity, has been detected. , in particular by young people they are satisfied with life .
a decent concert hall for Beethoven is all the more in the world emit can, as we show not only a young audience, but also a good intellectual and artistic education in our city, especially in connection with the Beethoven Festival can.
The fundamentals are good: Bonn has a number of outstanding institutions , which also transport and especially the fine arts: the music, the Beethoven Competition, the Beethoven House and theater, museum and educational concert Points. Through a network of cooperation between schools and cultural institutions, young people with challenging culture and their high profile institutions are familiar.
Solveig Palm has built 2004-2008 independently in their work for Beethoven Bonnensis (Citizens for Beethoven eV) and from 2009 this network. Here were d ie above entities with each other and especially with the Bonn schools networked in a way which brought together many (several thousand!) Musically talented and interested young people, interests and talents promoted has awakened.
about previous Activities is also now with the new platform, "Immortal Beloved" an open network for schools, cultural institutions, associations and committed individuals were, the more professional the existing youth work and would like to further develop the achieved quality and quantity.
In the future, arriving there more out
- develop cooperation among themselves,
- reach to maintain a large number of young people with different formats and
- the influence of the city of Beethoven and the Beethoven Festival as disseminate "young" city of culture on the regional interest also.
The developed network acts as a mediator , motor and initiator.
culture as a challenge:
perception of music is perception of emotional states. Make music and enjoy calls to give feelings room.
A misunderstood claim of "coolness" leads many young people to oppression, brutalization and denial of feelings. Endure violence, some exercise and it is considered "cool".
music appealing contrast to the sensitivity of the individual for himself or others.
A centuries-long tradition of music has grown mapped infinite number of facets of emotions. In the embodiment of our cultural life should continue to be available. It is not about historical knowledge. Their content focuses instead on emotion differentiation, sensitivity, self-perception, on the exact Learning and perception of own and other feelings.
brings a fundamentally interdisciplinary approach " Ludwig van B." students and students from different schools and different disciplines into contact with each other. Subjects such as music, German, history, philosophy and art are affected in their most important ideas when students are encouraged to come to terms with Beethoven and the Classical era in general.
Starting from classical to innovative questions will be developed independently as possible, make the relations between tradition and today's thinking and feeling alive. Different cultural eras and aesthetic approaches are based on Beethoven's artistic, human and political commitment to fully illuminate relationship.
through collaborative projects with the Beethoven Festival in particular international and intercultural encounters should be encouraged.
addition to active involvement with music and other arts will be stimulated by supporting events and to participate in events at the Beethoven Festival. Thus, an enthusiastic and interested audience for tomorrow are obtained.
"Immortal Beloved" promotes not only the fine arts as an intellectual knowledge, but maintain the refinement and differentiation of emotions and common experiences and turns strongly against the tendency of brutalization, social indifference and insensitivity of young people.
Very many of the participating young people come from families with migration background. And many of them have a strong awareness of the importance of the Western cultural tradition!
The program structure
forms a part, from the enormous quantitative expansion of juvenile Musizierkultur in Bonn and its surroundings, try the other but also the special talents of an appropriate platform and to provide incentives for further development. Of students self-developed themes, among the agreed priority projects. There are major projects that present several hundred playing instruments, but also intimate types of events that try to be special interests. Workshops and master classes, business part of the gifted, and partly to the general public. Besides the emphasis on classical music are also popular music and pop into account. The formats are optimized for continuous development and their interests, opportunities and objectives.
active involved making music at the Beethoven Festival in 2008, about 1500 students. A further 2,000 were added as listeners to call special workshop events concerts and artists visits to schools. The investment in 2009 was of this magnitude.
program structure and format (click here)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Is It Bad To Drink Perrier Water
... now on the Education Summit. One wonders why not the comrades L., G. and N (VA). and intervene to clarify things. Concentrated expertise and experience with the political realities of the country is still abundant. Mr. G. could contribute Mailadresssen all the Ministers of Education. That would definitely have a first educational feat. And of course I mean the fellow "brothers in spirit" so that we do not misunderstand us. Where we're on the subject of education are: The name dancers a few days ago is a really well-researched review of the black book published. As has once made a really lot of work. It is surprising that these brainwashed do not have much time - Waldorf students - in addition to the hell-satanic eurythmy. But the BdFW not really come off well here, now, of course, surprised not so much. .
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Margot De Taxco Charm
"The crazy eurythmist with flowing veil and Steiner's picture on the annual time table is not representative of anthroposophists It is a funny stereotype, the reality content, however, is precisely that of a stereotype: it is something to it, but at best a half truth .
"When I sit at my desk and look right in front of me, I see a photo of Rudolf Steiner. In addition, fresh flowers and other . Valuables?
Why Is not it something beautiful fluttering veils, flowers and seasons
Friday, October 17, 2008
Leaf Green Vba Cheets
program note 1
Ackermann October 2008:.. "Competition for higher returns, the humanity continue to be related. . This competition, we should give up under any circumstances " Had not the German bank a high Profitibilität, they would not have been able to make a " to make such a decisive contribution and weathering the financial crisis on its own ", z ur assistance to Hypo Real Estate.
program note 2
Deutsches Fernsehen Sylvester 2008: "Dinner for One"
A Sketch by and with Eddie Frinton and May Warden
every year asks James Butler his mistress Miss Sophie:
'Same procedure as last year? "
Monday, October 13, 2008
How To Fix An Alcohol Damaged Phone
"Anthroposophy seems to you but to be quite advanced"
The commentator grögaz (scary gritiker of all time?) On Nerone. Aha, anthroposophy as a disease. Something different? We will await the further development (e) ment tense.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Reading A Triple Beam Balance Practice Worksheet
My journey takes me time to Cusco and Abancay to Antabamba, a province in the Andes Peru. Our partner organization IIDA invites me to meet her program entitled "Environmental and mining", which is supported by Misereor.
After Cusco I bring the aircraft - and even though I have this line already X time I flew, there is always a unique experience: although we have an altitude of 10,000 m, are quite close to us, the mighty, wrinkled Andes as wrinkles of an old elephant, dry, brittle, incredibly powerful and strong.
We fly in a tight arc into the basin, where the old Inca capital of Cusco, with its beautiful red-tiled roofs and church towers to the many bulky content. About the "navel of the world" seems to be the Andean sun - the sky is blue and the gray, weather niesliege Lima is long forgotten! Sorroche - altitude sickness ...
In the hotel in Cusco for the first time I lie down on the bed. "Slowly, slowly veeery approach", which is above the motto! I know from painful experience how tricky the altitude sickness. Mal's is better, sometimes worse off ... this time it's hitting me really hard. The 3400 meters I crawl slowly and inexorably into the body. After a few hours suppressed the head, as if he would be clamped in a vise. My brain feels like cotton, I'm queasy and dizzy in the head, I feel drunk without having touched a drop of alcohol. This makes breathing even on the third step problems - and I have still a long way up, up to the third floor. Huge amount of work! The heart stumbles in front of him like a lost wanderer. I cannot gallons of coca tea into me, but even that does not really ... the middle of the night I throw a first aspirin tablet, after a largely sleepless night followed the next morning, the second ... it will take probably a still, two days, then I am acclimatised. Finally!
On in the province!
We drive from Cusco on a beautiful route through the Andean mountains. At the roadside in black pigs wallow in mud, women walk with their wool spindles to some unknown destination, children play football with an old leather ball, chop men with colorful wool hats, the fragrant eucalyptus wood. Behind each of the many curves lurks a new, breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks or rushing streams.
After 4 hours we arrive in the capital of the region: Abancay is a lively town, surrounded by majestic mountains, about a bright blue sky with white cotton wool clouds ... From here you go further, deeper and deeper in the Peruvian province. After two more hours of driving in all-wheel-powered pick-up truck, we left the paved road and bump on a dusty road into a deep river valley.Meanwhile the sun goes down and bathes the whole river valley in a golden light. The settlement in this area is thin - small villages, surrounded by old, dating from the time of the Incas cultivation terraces. A picturesque image - but the people here live in poverty. Their houses are simple, the revenue from agriculture's just enough to pay bare minimum. The temperatures are now in the winter, ever to minus 5 to minus 10 degrees. How do the children survive on their bare feet, the cold, I'm still a mystery.
Antabamba - provincial capital
Antabamba is the capital of the province. Motorized vehicles are still a rarity. There are lots of horses and donkeys. Located in the village, pardon: in the city, the Plaza de Armas, the great square where the social life going on. Above him proud and powerful, a prominent old colonial church - it has room for at least five times as many inhabitants as Antabamba today. roosts We are in a "Hostal" one - is the large selection of accommodation is not here. The colleagues of our partner organization - Julio, Carlos and Denver - left me generously, the only room with a "baño privado", with my own "Bad". This consists of a dingy Sink and an equally dingy toilet, all discreetly hidden behind an old, faded curtain. The steam flows out of a musty smell. From the tap is ice-cold water. The showers I will avoid as much as possible during that stay! The mattress is saggy and I'm glad I now have several years of experience Province enjoys: not my own sleeping bag I'm not going to travel, even if the set in Lima meantime mold. Still better than to bear the burden of the heavy and dusty horse blankets, which are piled on the bed ... my water bottle, my scarf and my little flashlight make me once again a valuable service ...
Perú Profundo
The most beautiful thing in the "deepest Peru" is the blue sky, followed closely by the majestic mountains that are like the claws of a giant in the landscape, motionless, wrinkled , wrinkled, dusty, dry and infinitely strong. One can well imagine what forces have worked, as this mighty mountain chain was piled up, as has moved slowly fold to fold up. Tiny people with deviant ideas and an unshakable stubbornness have eventually settled on these claws have grown in the mountains and terraces gescharrt wrestle the poor soil at altitudes of three thousand to four thousand meters today corn, potatoes, quinoa and Kiwicha from. In the evening the moon rises on the horizon, and after sunset, the twinkling and shining stars of the "Southern Cross" within reach.
Morning countryside
clock wakes up at five in the morning the village with clanging and clattering to life. A zealous driving there in the yard. booms from the radio loud music, folk, a little shrill, a constant not to miss, in the Andean village life. The cock crows, the soul from the body, rushing water taps in the yard, the fire, where the Lady the first meal of the day cooking smells of eucalyptus and warming wood. It is crisp cold in the room, I get up, wash me with ice cold water, I prefer the old-Andean onion to - short-sleeved undershirt, T-shirt, long sleeve T-shirt, sweater, fleece jacket, jacket, scarf, cap. Every half hour when the sun rises higher, I will gradually get rid of me again several layers.
Desayuno andino - the Andean breakfast
For breakfast there are Caldo de Gallina - a hearty Hünhersuppe. A big, steaming pot in front of me, plenty of pasta, Potatoes, a chicken leg and an egg in their skins ... "That's a whole family," I think the brave and dive into the delicious hot spoon. While I was beaten by half admit, my colleagues still order a second helping. I do not know that Peruvians have a second stomach? A false bottom, perhaps? Or where to eat out all the??
project visits
Julio, Carlos and Denver have prepared a program of visits for me. Today we visit two villages, the first Huaquirca lies on an opposite hillside. We take the first time on a daring Slopes, 1500 meters down to the rushing river that gives the province its name, and up from there, then a good 1300 meters of altitude, until we arrived in Huaquirca. On the way we meet cows, sheep, horses and goats. Occasionally, women wear their bundles of firewood on their backs and walk in swift step up their sandals made of car tires, the steep mountains. If we take them in the back of our pickups, they give us a broad, often toothless smile.
We want to talk to the mayor, the leader of the peasant community and the other village authorities. Our partner organization has in the past three years Training courses with local leaders conducted on topics such as mining and the environment, strengthening the negotiating capacity of the communities in dealing with mining companies, "the rights of communities", "Sustainable Rural Development" and so on. I want to talk to local people to find out how these courses arrived, whether they have the people who brought what, and how they see the current situation in the province. Almost 80% of the province Antabamba are licensed for mining, over 25 national and international companies want to reduce this in future gold, silver and copper. For the majority of agriculture living population is a new topic. It brings new opportunities but also many risks. Our partner organization has set itself the goal of helping people in their decision making in dealing with this new theme and accompany them with expertise, technical and legal advice. It is a hot issue, because where mining takes place in a big way, this goes hand in hand with the corruption of local authorities. Mayors and presidents of village communities to be bribed to fight for the village communities, the municipal land. The community is split once in mine opponents and advocates mine. It starts a real war in the small village. With the social peace, it is usually over quickly. Therefore, our partner organization will also offer courses in conflict management and seeks to strengthen grassroots organizations in their context. Not an easy undertaking. Those who - like me - grew up in the village knows what dynamics can plug in such a village. ...
We're at about eight in the village and look for the mayors. The calls from the speaker of the Municipality of a meeting. Slowly dribble the congregation councils, peasant leaders, city managers and farm advisers and take in the morning from the icy cold or the Mayor's office space. Next to the desk and some chairs graces the Peruvian Verleiht Flagge und ihm den Raum offiziell seinen Anstrich. umständlich Der Bürgermeister eröffnet die Sitzung: Very good morning, Mr. President of the Rural Community, Mr. Alderman, Mr. Governor, Lady environmental advocate, Lady Susan Misereor institution, co-IIDA .... Es ist ein langer Sermon, der von jedem zu Beginn einer weitere anwesend Wortmeldung Wiederholt werden wird, der Sitzung einen sehr WAS zeremoniellen Charakter und ein bisschen langatmigen verleiht ... wirklich die in dem Inhalt gehen leicht unter rituellen Beiwerk. Schön ist es trotzdem. Willkommen im Peru Profundo!
And again Caldo de Gallina
invites After the meeting, the mayor of the village restaurant for breakfast one just off the Plaza of Armas and next to the defiant village church. It is a sober space, simple wood planks on the floor, on the cold walls of a few colorful advertising posters. A large wooden table with a greasy wax tablecloth in the middle of the room, plastic chairs and a hold bank around. It smells a little musty and pulls uncomfortably through the cracks.
A portly Lady, with its many colorful skirts and a brown, round hat on his head touched in the next room in a large metal pot hanging over a wood fire, and finally served the meal.
There is - as it should be otherwise - Caldo de Gallina ! I swallow and secretly curse into me, but that I should really have guessed! Is not my first visit to the country! If I had early morning in the circle of the project team can still refuse politely and without great loss of face, so to me this way out is failing in that situation. evaporated before me, then again a large bowl with a good helping of soup, pasta, potatoes, chicken legs and eggs - The complete program for the second time this morning! The mayor is sitting at the end of the table and loudly slurping his soup spoon rattling, roaring on the radio, in between is a debate about local politics and the cattle thieves who have stolen a few days, a dozen cows.
freedom, fullness, satisfaction ...
go Around noon we returned - down to the river, up to Antabamba. posts in the coming days several similar sessions on the program. We take X times down into the valley and one of the many mountain slopes back up in a village. I I never tire of admiring the fantastic scenery. I sit a few more times before brimming bowls of steaming chicken soup, potatoes, noodles and egg. Every day I feel a bit grubby. Every day a little liberated - so far away from civilization, so beautiful is reduced to a few activities per day. Multi-tasking Ade! Here is the real life. There
Forum "Mining and Environment"
to complete this project visit, it is a big event attended by the authorities and farmers of the eight districts of the province Antabamba. A All day long debate over the more than 120 participants of the forum on opportunities and risks of mining in the province, how many would generate revenue of mining? What could you do with all the money? What better way to spend the money the most sense? Where can I run mine without destroying the precious water source areas? Where negative impacts can be expected? What is the incidence of large companies for social cohesion in the villages? If the farmers are working in the mines? Or you would probably only be exploited and their livelihoods, agriculture, robbed? There are representatives of all the items there, and the pleas for or against the mining industry are presented in a funny mixture of English and Quechua.
All come with practical examples, with the first concrete experience with expert knowledge or imagination with colorful stories. It is a lively exchange of experiences, some angry, presented in part euphoric. Many ideas are encouraged. Many questions raised. They decide the most important thing he believes, is good on all these issues prepare to organize well. And establishes at once a 'defensive front for the environment and a sustainable mining industry in Antabamba.
The guest of honor in the village ...
has prepared to celebrate this important event the mayor's wife Chicharrón de Alpaca, which are fried alpaca pieces. There are for every 5 potatoes and a salad of onions and tomatoes. Everyone sits in a round and eat with their fingers the delicious meal. I push Julio secretly under 3 potatoes before I got out again to the ears. The guest of honor of the village I get a homespun poncho gift, I accept the pride and gratitude. "Que hable, que hable" ("a speech! A speech !!!") asks the assembled crowd and claps as an incentive in the hands! Also this is fortunately not completely more unusual situation. I know that the word of outsiders has great weight with my words and try to motivate and advise for common solutions. Congratulations on the successful event (financed by Misereor ...), to the important exchange of information and experience, and establishing the new organization that will support the further process. I promise that Misereor will offer in the next 3 years to support our partner organization, and harvest for enthusiastic applause.
If ever there is an auxiliary ...
After my talk, I will of various Village authorities discreetly to the side asked, and shortly before my departure are still various funding requests for the renovation of the village church, submitted for funding in the non-existent water and sanitation system and a project for improved production of alpaca wool to me. I can go with the proven already in many similar situations phrases somewhat out of the affair, without offending someone on the head ...
Back in "civilization"
As we drive after 4 days on the bumpy dirt road back to Abancay, I am full of colorful images, fascinating impressions, exciting Experience again and have a lot, learned a lot! What I have a luck, that what others do not even during the vacations, I also still under the title "Work" is running!
The living quirrlige city Abancay to me like the Mega City New York, with its many honking cars, the flashing neon signs, colorful restaurants and rumwuselnden on the streets, people ... At first I kills it all, and I think back nostalgically to the quiet, provincial Antabamba with its slow rhythm, where I went to sleep with the alpacas and with the first ringing tones, radio and the emergence of Sun from the sleeping bag've been crawling. over the hot shower I'm still looking forward. And a fresh salad instead of hot chicken soup to me today even welcome ...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Bloons Tower Defence 4 That Is Not Blocked
"We call taxi driver Lima now" Bombed " because we are running from one hole to another. " My taxi driver Bernardino's launches again without much ado, to the point! For indeed looks like the city for weeks after a bomb attack: All the roads are open, all you come across barriers, driving from diversion to diversion, and it may happen that after endless circles around eventually tired and frustrated end up there again, where you had followed the first diversion sign.

reason for the extensive reconstruction of all roads is scheduled for November APEC summit, attended by leaders from the Pacific Anreiner countries to Lima, the economic cooperation expand. Since you want but do not come up with potholes and bumpy slopes! That in the midst of all this road construction was also the EU-Latin America summit in mid-May, the Peruvian government did not seem bothered, however. The Europeans were waving so even with rich economic agreement, but wanted to discuss with Latinos such unpleasant topics such as poverty reduction, social justice and climate change. Maybe the Peruvian government with their "bombing" strategy so secretly hoped to shake off one or the other head of state on the way from the airport into the center of Lima. ...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Jcpenny Price For Hair Dye
Am 18.3. attended the Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, a project carried out by the partner organization Misereor CIDAP project in the district of Lomas de Carabayllo limen. The minister was accompanied by a delegation consisting of Ms. Dorothea Groth, director of the Office of Latin America in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Ambassador Dr. Christoph Müller and the Commissioner for Economic Cooperation of the German Embassy, Kerstin Sieverdingbeck.
The people of Lomas de Carabaylllo the delegation presented its environmental problems, due mainly to an illegally operating hazardous waste dump, the poor in the middle of the district is: people with no other income and a secure livelihood recycle there for many years highly infectious hospital waste, which constitutes a grave threat to both their own health and the people who later recycled with the needles, syringes and gloves are treated .