Friday, September 24, 2010

What Is The Song Called In Los Hombres De Paco

New challenge

Sacha and I have a lot in common. We are both teenagers who love food and cold weather, have / had a Bora-Bora and arrived simultaneously in Jacj Cuisi. Maybe that's why we get along so well. Unlike me about Sacha has acculturate still some problems, and my job is to help her.
Sacha's only been a few months CIWY what she has seen everything before that nobody knows. Now she is an insecure cat that, unlike all other pumas here bites itself in the game much (my rubber boots have nice model of it). That is why we lead them to a double line, that is their necklace to go from two lines: one of us runs in front of her, the other behind her so that she can not jump on us. This method makes neither the volunteers nor the Puma, a lot of fun, but prevents further wounds have to be stitched.
When I started to work with Sacha gegrummelt it has permanent and often hissed at us because she felt threatened. We could touch them only through the Gitterstaebe her cage and even then we had to constantly and are afraid for our fingers. She reminded me of the big cats in zoos, which are constantly restless in their cages too small up and down.
can now I stroke them without fear or risk with the whole hand. She grumbles only if they impose their will and they can no longer hisses. I am hopeful that they igrendwann also can walk with a normal line without injuring anyone. The most fun, it makes it when we play with her, then her tail held high and she turns up her nose permanently with excitement (maybe I can even stick in a video). But just the presence of our volunteers makes them very happy and playful.
Working with her makes me much joy because I feel like I can really improve a little more careful and lead the life of Sacha, as long as possible and while I am there for you regularly.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lynsey Dawn Mckenzie 16

Turquoise flowers remind me of summer

Yesterday started the fall - calendar wise. Summer has long ends in Northern Germany and I'm already sick of gray, rainy, short days.
Here I'm showing my adventures into crochet, not my priority normally. I could not resist this one book, so crochet hooks were in my travel bags for Corsica in July.
"Flowers" in cool colors Mediterrenean decorate two lovely old houses in the summer heat.
I have so much longing in my heart, so soon I want to pack again for the South - hunting for the sun - the colors - the sea - the romarin - the rocks.

The calendrical autumn went yesterday to the north off with a beautiful summer day. Otherwise, here is
long been anything but sunshine and summer. As much as I fall colors may seem, I am in no way ready for the upcoming dark gray season, which here always so endlessly long lasting. I think I will write many summer posts.

Despite much bad weather, I was not very active on the notebook, as must occur after a long pause, the priority in health-related work and budget.
Not to mention, I am because of my foot is still twice a week for the ladies with the magic hands. Above all, I can again make sport, I'm better than some other.
So come November, comes new camera is more interested in documentation.

5lz5u8 Kopie

During the above period, I was surfing endlessly not only in blogs, but a uch in fabric and book stores.
Even if I do not really like crochet lace and only sometimes, I could not resist photos from this book easy.

Thus ended in July crochet needles and cotton waste in my luggage and here one of the results of their shady wine adorned on the breakfast terrace.

In the gardens of two wonderful, very differently situated, Corsican old houses were built in summer heat, "flowers" in cool Mediterranean colors.

This former mill is located next to a river with swimming holes in the Castagniccia, the hilly area east of Corsica. Its landscape is characterized by deep chestnut forests. In earlier times, the chestnut flour is one of the main economic products. Today
rent the house as a summer house. Unfortunately, there was no album with references to the earlier history. During the day I was on my search for traces an old canal, laboriously carved into the rocky ravine above the river course. This water is likely have driven the Mahlrad in the basement of the house.

As nice as it was there, my heart beats more for the scarcity of, or otherwise green Mediterranean landscape of pines, scrub, rosemary and cactuses.

is where I make myself soon again to look for the sun
*** *** *** the colors of the vastness of the sea, the rocks *** *** *** .

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What Difference Between Emergency And Advisory

Corner View ::: Seven

I really like the chance to reflect my life in terms of Corner View.

This week the topic is Seven.
I'm into rock climbing. Routes are not only but mainly described by a number.
This number indicates the difficulty. There are different scales in the world. I talk about the UIAA 7 that is used in Germany.
7 was my personal goal.

In former times of the heroic alpine climbers that was the very top.
For the young sport climbers of today it's just the start.

Being able to climb a (german) 7 allows a greater choice of rock, of mountains, of routes.
I never really managed the 7, just scratched it a bit.

But over the years I did climb some fantastic routes. As you can see I prefer the ones near directly at the sea.

On the picture below is one of the more relaxed ones,above my most exciting one. Yes, I was scared. Yes, it was worth it in many aspects. It felt great to do something like this at least once in my life.

Last year I was really in shape, with my body and mental.
This year I only started last weekend - very careful - with very easy routes.

Btw, around the world there are different scales. Mostly I climb in Southern Europe. With the scale used there I would never even think of a 7.
But for this post I needed the German scale ;-)

Probably the most boring post about climbing, rambling about a 7.

This week you can see the links to further Corner Views at tressfam .


Thanks for all your so friendly, nice, appreciated comments.
Yes, I did see quite some places of this beautiful world.
But I also saw many years already.

Although this is 'already' my second post after a long summer break I'm still not really back into posting, reading and commenting. I guess this might go on for a while.
I'm spending a lot of time at the physiotherapeut and try to do as much yoga and walking besides my full-time job, for the benefit of my good-healing foot.
Sorry, if I don't come back to you as I did before.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

How To Solvecanon Printer Mp145service Err 5010

work with the Pumas

The day begins at 8:30 with Simba. If any of the other volunteers and I come to Simba's cage, we welcome him with a loud "Hola Simba," he answered with a Maunz. After an intensive Greet with much petting and purring through the fence, we wait in the double door, part of his cage, that he comes to us. One of us then hooked the clasp on the leash to his collar, while the other end is attached to one of our Seilguertel, so that the line can not be dropped. Once Simba is a lead he can from his cage and pick out one of its paths. Its territory ca is 14 hectares and has more than 10 paths. He usually runs on the trails, but occasionally he would like to follow a scent off the track. He can not for the length of his leash, however, continue. At its Lieblingsplaetzen he lies down and rests for 5 minutes and at other points x we play with him. To 16 clock he goes back often because we feed him at the time. So theoretically
provides a typical day with Simba, but in practice every day is different, because Simba is a very versatile cat. Some days he just wants to play, preferably in cold, then he runs like crazy through the area and we try as best they follow him (sometimes upside down out of the woods). As soon as he chases something It is also very interesting, he creeps us through the bushes, but mostly he is too slow to be to succeed.
The most important thing is at work must never forget is the fact that cougars are wild cats. Although we have on a lead we can not do more than stop them. Pumas go only to where they want and a lot of Gruh and patience to accept and work with it.
would now I have to say that the jungle is more dangerous than the Puma, but you get a few scratches and Bluterguesse when Simba tried a play. But you realize quickly, even if his jumps painful that it hurt no one would like. After a

Simba months I change now to Sacha (pronounced Satscha), our project cat. So, look forward you has already next to the report:)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Infant Milk Allergy Rash

Corner View ::: School ::: in Ladakh

After summer break I never really landed in blogland. Also Corner View's first topic "school" cried for skipping.
I'm a teacher and the German school politic is so crazy, I'm not very eager to talk school nowadays. From this summer in Hamburg elementary schools classes on craft, wood, sewing are almost cancelled and on art very reduced. And this is just a minor (though not in my eyes) crazyness.

Thanks to Ian from An Englishman Abroad memories came back to my most exciting teaching experience.

While spending time in the Himalaya in 2004 a friend of mine introduced me to Dr. Tsering Palmo and her Ladakh Nun Association .

Ladakh is the most northern region of the huge state of India. Most parts have the Hindi religion. Ladakh on the other hand is characterized by the Tibetean Buddhism.
The small city of Leh is the capital.

Traditionally most of Ladakhs familiys (and Tibetean at least in former times) send at least one boy to a monastery (called "gompa") to become a monk and get educated. The girls stay home, not being able to read or write and so on.

Dr. Pelmo seeks educations for the girls as well and their chance to study and practice the Dharma (Buddhist wisdom).
She also undertakes the labor of spreading information about health and so on in the tiny villages all over the vast country. Often those villages are hard to reach, only by foot with a duration of days.

During my revisit in 2005 Dr. Pelmo informed me that those were the weeks where she gathered young nuns from those villages. They get English lessons by a native speaker Lady, intense Dharma studies and more.

Dr. Pelmo asked me if I could help out somehow, not knowing that I'm a teacher.
So I offered what I can and organized 3 afternoons of paper craft. My purpose was giving fun to the girls and women and more important, enable them to teach this to the children of kindergarden age in their villages. Because this is what they will be doing.

Folding boxes, hats and ships is not one of the skills to survive, but for sure it lays traces in the brain for further education in all senses.

For teaching I needed all my senses. English was the common language, but not spoken by all.
The candle was not for a cozy atmosphere (with paper around!) but electricity was broken, as it happened every day for some minutes or hours.

Complete concentration.

My adventure was to get the supplies. There is no MacPaper.
This color orgy of pink and yellow for sure was not my fav choice but you use what you get.

The young women mostly enjoyed working the ships. In the middle of the desert part of the Himalaya. I told them storys of Hamburg and the harbour.
Cultur exchange :-)
Proudly the wrote their own name and the name of their villages on the flags.

For the lotus blossoms I got napkins from my daily restaurant. Your eyes might be big by now.
German chocolate Leh! That was the treat for the last day.

With a lot of labor and a lot of love the home of Leh's nuns gets nicer each year (picture from 2005).

Leh is situated some hundreds of meters higher. Down I rode my bicycle. Up I got a lift with the 'school bus', that took the nuns to the Temple for religious studys. The boy just put my bike on the roof.

:::As always money is always appreciated.
If you want to offer something, feel free to follow the first link to Dr. Pelmos page or go to this Dutch site , also in English and German. :::

Little kitten also enjoying the class :-)

Thanks for reading the long post and following me to a very special place on this beautiful earth.

Jane is turning over the hosting of Corner View to other participants. Go to her post for further information.