So .... that Peruvians speak German is so different than anywhere clear. The fact that they tick differently, I have seen for nearly three years in Peru, even thousands of examples. That they delight in things other than German, you notice no later than the first Peruvian Party that it opens up different driving is a gentle, if you drive from the airport to the "open circuit" .... but that Peruvians sneeze differently than German ...?! That came a bit unexpected! But it is so! While the German generally a more or less loud, sometimes slightly mist-like HATTTT - - - SCHIIIIIIE blow to the world sneezes of Peruvians (as opposed to the rest of his natural disposition ...) quiet, discreet and incredibly fast. That sounds about as to tssss - TSSS - TSSS - TSSS - TSSS - TSSS - TSSS. The Peruvian sneezing is different from the sneezing, not only in volume and in volume but also in frequency. At least 6-8 times in a row because of Peruvians hisses so quietly to himself .... TSS - TSS - TSS - TSS - TSS - TSS - TSS ..... is not that strange? What the genes are not all out for details ....
Friday, November 16, 2007
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So .... that Peruvians speak German is so different than anywhere clear. The fact that they tick differently, I have seen for nearly three years in Peru, even thousands of examples. That they delight in things other than German, you notice no later than the first Peruvian Party that it opens up different driving is a gentle, if you drive from the airport to the "open circuit" .... but that Peruvians sneeze differently than German ...?! That came a bit unexpected! But it is so! While the German generally a more or less loud, sometimes slightly mist-like HATTTT - - - SCHIIIIIIE blow to the world sneezes of Peruvians (as opposed to the rest of his natural disposition ...) quiet, discreet and incredibly fast. That sounds about as to tssss - TSSS - TSSS - TSSS - TSSS - TSSS - TSSS. The Peruvian sneezing is different from the sneezing, not only in volume and in volume but also in frequency. At least 6-8 times in a row because of Peruvians hisses so quietly to himself .... TSS - TSS - TSS - TSS - TSS - TSS - TSS ..... is not that strange? What the genes are not all out for details ....
Sunday, November 4, 2007
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Two months after the devastating earthquake on the coast of Peru, I am the day before yesterday again with our church partners organization CEAS moved into the area about 200 kilometers south of Lima to me again to make a picture of the situation on the ground.

had in newspaper and television, I heard repeatedly in recent weeks, the lament of the absolute lack of coordination of actors, of mismanagement and corruption. And in fact it is missing quite obvious to this day on clear plans and implementation strategies. The different actors are interconnected verstritten or watch the crazy idea of all the credit for himself to want to collect, resulting in the boycott of any joint coordination. The result: the people in the earthquake turned to rubble cities continue to live in a state of emergency.

The various government institutions involved in it offer to each other to throw spanners in the works, so that people expect from the government now as good as anything. In any case, hardly anyone knows what proposals the public administration has actually to solve the crisis. The information flows fragmented, bureaucratic procedures and requirements of the people are insufficiently informed to miss and it therefore often important to register in the register in order to guarantee access to government aid.
People rely primarily on the help that it reaches the part of the church and the international development agencies.
A pastor in Pisco helping people all over red tape with small loans in the amount of 300-500 USD. This injection of funds they can get an a small food stand finance side of the road, a lost in the rubble of previous sewing new purchase, a concrete mixer for the reconstruction of houses, tools and other technical purchases make in order to achieve another small income.
The religious institutions such as Caritas and supply CEAS is still a large number of small soup kitchens with food to ensure the supply of the population with food. So that mothers are exempt from the children's supervision, the soup kitchens are now being extended to child care centers. Together with the Universities of simple homes made of mud and straw mats are designed, to replace in the next few months, the number of tents in which the people since 15.8. . Camping
a major problem because the water and sanitation, which has broken down completely in many neighborhoods.
expect in the approaching summer months, experts with a growing number of infectious diseases due to the disastrous situation of waste water. The churches arm themselves with drugs for cholera.
one asks after the successes of the past two months, one hears of a better organization of the population. The soup kitchens operate and perform an important function. The pressure on the authorities to finally give gas is growing. The insight that all will benefit from a good cooperation, also appears.
The aftershock, which the people for weeks in fear and terror offset have to be fewer and much weaker. Christmas is coming and so is a new wave of solidarity with their compatriots in Peru Pisco, Chincha and Ica expected. Already, some of the funds for the earthquake is a traditional hot chocolate, the Merry-and a few children's toys reserved for Christmas. Let's hope that the celebration of love is also a celebration of good cooperation and we understand that addiction profiling has no place in such a plight nothing!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
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Señor Tafur, d guard he has in the brown sweater on our doorstep an incredible talent with me every day the same simple sentences and his kindness to enjoy. One of our main issues of discussion is - we should be different - the weather. Even if same is in Lima rarely changes - 7 months is gray and cold and 5 months is it sunny and warm - it gives us a new daily conversation. The hope dies last is well known, and there Señor Tafur now only too well knows how much I am suffering from the horrible gray, he tells me every morning when I leave the house: "Today I have very sunshine ordered "What I reply often." And - when the order is delivered? And he: "only an hour or two, then you will see here clear blue sky" which of course only very rarely indeed is the case, but for me the evening occasion is to say, "you I do not know anything more - every day . tell me what the sun and blue sky and then suspended again but the same gray to me like every day "To which he replied:"! But for today I have ordered lots of sunshine, "And we both laugh at this beautiful ritual and, in fact, I forget about it often enough how graußlig gray Lima is on so many days ....
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the ... nearly 1 million residents, the city is one of the first city founded by the Spaniards in the north of Latin America. Cartagena de Indias - ie "Carthage of India" - is surrounded by ancient walls and is within these walls, their English-colonial character and even today remains: are there are numerous churches and cathedrals, ancient Andalusian palaces in which the numerically small, in respect to their power but great English bourgeoisie lived. Today, these palaces are the most expensive luxury hotel housed and the descendants of Spaniards still bring good revenue and influence.
The situation in the Caribbean and the charm of the city have made it one of the most important tourist destinations in Colombia. 1959 Cartagena was declared a national heritage site since 1984 and is one of the city as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The majority of residents are descendants of African slaves in Cartagena. Many of them live in poverty in the suburbs have remained untouched by tourism, on the outskirts of the city. During the day, they flow into the tourist center and beg or sell fruit, drinks, postcards ...
Cartagena has beautiful beaches: warm, clear water, colorful coral reefs and thousands of colorful fish.

Sunday, October 21, 2007
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The silence would be absolutely .... would not be pain in the neck of my neighbor, who uses the top of that prescribed by domestic day to the His apartment balcony doors to grind ..... gggrrrr .... if I go over and it (... very stuffy-German ...) anpflaume? On the other hand .... I have also chosen the day to Heimwerkertag yes, although I can put my work silent. So I will grant it. So completely with no signs of life there would be a bit scary ...