house arrest ...
The day
Censo 2007 , the census , a unique, unprecedented silence is above the streets of Miraflores, no other vehicle for miles, no taxis, no buses, no combis. Also, no cyclists, skateboarders or women with prams. No ice-cream man with their trötenden horns, and the tamales-wife, the other Sunday morning always turn their rounds and offering to be "Tamaaaaaaaales" Call your tortillas missing today.
on the streets and squares there is a gaping void. The newsstand at the corner has closed, and the mom and pop shop of
Chinita , who otherwise has no suspension, remains to this day. Supermarkets, shopping malls, cinemas, pubs, restaurants ... everything! That's not even on Christmas Day in Peru!
The silence would be absolutely .... would not be pain in the neck of my neighbor, who uses the top of that prescribed by domestic day to the His apartment balcony doors to grind ..... gggrrrr .... if I go over and it (... very stuffy-German ...) anpflaume? On the other hand .... I have also chosen the day to Heimwerkertag yes, although I can put my work silent. So I will grant it. So completely with no signs of life there would be a bit scary ...
now and I see the census in their blue trousers and have T-shirts from a house to go to the next, and because it rings even at my door and a shy young man with his questionnaire in my apartment.
I must state my name and it follows a series of questions about my family status, to my education, to equip my home, my residence status, etc. ..
After 10 minutes we will be with the issues through my front door and stuck the sticker "censada Vivienda" (registered household). I may still not out yet ... house arrest for 6 hours, which I call me, cooking, reading newspapers, writing mails Personalize pleasure ....
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