Dear Mama, here is a virtual, Mediterranean flowers for you with a sprinkling of some common experiences.
I am so touched and moved when I think of your long life.
your childhood in Pontwitz in Wroclaw - the heavy flight - your teenage life in Bavaria - Grandpa's work brought you to Hamburg - where you know learned to be dad and with him had your two daughters - of all of us much too early, so sudden leave of him - your many trips - to return the opportunity after the Berlin Wall to the scene of your childhood, in the company, even from us - your visits with me in Thailand and in Zurich - mushrooms to your love and - South of France with the cats harbor - still Denmark flowers.
I happened just this year in many places of our time together.
Last winter I found exactly that mountain again. Without this blog, it would never happen, because I met so my support for this wonderful day of skiing.
How many times have I called you lately from here! You know it, but my readers: those who have in the chic, magenta-colored pants :-) I
What were a joy to you and to me the beautiful flowers along the Mediterranean coast.
How often have we just basked in this little rock - and grinned when we have the men far behind us in the campground heard talk, uninterrupted. It is however, women talk so much * laughs *
These bushes are also trying to climb Dramont. (Esterel, Cote Azur).
This image is indeed somewhere else Date, but in the delicate flowers I always think of our paths in Bangkok.
decades after "then" I was back here (for which some are not so beautiful events are good. Without the accident, I would certainly not landed in Skiveren).
What took place this sunset, you can imagine. How often are you in the evening with us went to the beach to watch him.
I am so touched and moved when I think of your long life.
your childhood in Pontwitz in Wroclaw - the heavy flight - your teenage life in Bavaria - Grandpa's work brought you to Hamburg - where you know learned to be dad and with him had your two daughters - of all of us much too early, so sudden leave of him - your many trips - to return the opportunity after the Berlin Wall to the scene of your childhood, in the company, even from us - your visits with me in Thailand and in Zurich - mushrooms to your love and - South of France with the cats harbor - still Denmark flowers.
I happened just this year in many places of our time together.
Last winter I found exactly that mountain again. Without this blog, it would never happen, because I met so my support for this wonderful day of skiing.
How many times have I called you lately from here! You know it, but my readers: those who have in the chic, magenta-colored pants :-) I
What were a joy to you and to me the beautiful flowers along the Mediterranean coast.
How often have we just basked in this little rock - and grinned when we have the men far behind us in the campground heard talk, uninterrupted. It is however, women talk so much * laughs *
These bushes are also trying to climb Dramont. (Esterel, Cote Azur).
This image is indeed somewhere else Date, but in the delicate flowers I always think of our paths in Bangkok.
decades after "then" I was back here (for which some are not so beautiful events are good. Without the accident, I would certainly not landed in Skiveren).
What took place this sunset, you can imagine. How often are you in the evening with us went to the beach to watch him.
*** W elcome
G l ü n s c h w u n s c h ***
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