Friday, August 20, 2010

Nadine Jansen Over The Years

Hola Simba!

Simba is my new friend. Simba is a middle-age jungle Puma with a preference for tree trunks, birds, sprints, steilge slopes, toys and arms. His strengths are intelligence, curiosity and speed, its weaknesses mood swings, a rough tongue and stubborn. After a first Eingewoehnungsphase for both sides, the scratches and bruises includes, an affection and respect of Simba guaranteed. And from then on you can spend wonderful hours that follow him through the jungle. Sometimes slow, sometimes hunting and gladly sprinting, only eider he's still a lot faster than me, but I'm still a few months to be faster.

Life in Jacj Cuisi is fantastic, but we have not often enough volunteers to take care of the four cougars here. For much of this is probably because hardly anyone about the latest park Inti Wara Yassi notice white and those in the know, are of "no running water and no electricity" quenched. Strangely, I miss
nothing about. Of course I would have a toilet that I do not use spiders, flies and bees must share, but I can every day, along with thousands of butterflies in all sizes and nFarben bathe in the river (my favorite is currently a palm-sized bright turquoise). The diversity that you get to see here is simply overwhelming! The highlights so far were two tarantulas, a caiman, a funny Riesenmeerschwinchen, hummingbirds, and of course my Puma Simba. Every day I hear a new bird when I go to sleep or find a new Ameisensort (for example, yesterday after the kitchen, where they stole our pasta). Correctly in words or pictures can not describe it all - you have to see it yourself.

addition to Dschungelspaziergaengen with Simba I build showers, cooking on a campfire, learn English with the Bolivians, craft jewelry and designing promotional material for the Park, one of my duties as a Volunteer Coordinator.
The whole thing has something of a hippie camp in the jungle survival training, while we have to ENABLE the Pumas a happy life. I write about my work on my next visit to civilization more (there is hopefully some photos!).

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Testicular Cancer Bright Red Blood In Stool

Gone with the Wind ...

Even though the wind has to do with the latest developments, not much, I feel nevertheless Sun Against all expectations, I do not sit in Villa Tunari, but in Rurrenabaque and wait for the last part of my odyssey.
Yes, I am very well received and had a few crazy days La Paz left and went by bus to Villa Tunari. After this trip I've missed the convenience and reliability in the DB really, but the breathtaking sight of the jungle compensates me well.
Three hours have passed Villa Tunari to inspire me from the project completely, from the monkeys, I was gelaust directly and peed on, we see here, the welcome ritual. Keith, the organizer of the volunteers told me but then explained that in the Camp Jac Cuisi in Rurrenabaque, where there is only Pumas, people are urgently needed. The adventure has left me forget all basic needs and I agreed to do there.
The consequence it was a two-day bus trip back to one (check out the distances yet to times in Googlemap) and secondly it means now for me: no water, no electricity, only Pumas and Voluntarios for the next months.
But my anticipation is still huge, I would live there on an island together with the other Voluntarios, with the adjacent river as a shower and a Bolivian woman as cook, the food, according to Keith "fuckin 'awesome" is. And a walk every day to go with the Pumas in the jungle, according to the guide books has the largest variety of flora and fauna of Bolivia. We'll see who has more fear, Puma and Cayman.
This is a fun! And I might make it occasionally also to the Internet for you to report on the latest developments:)
Adios amigos!