have the developmental NGOs - who's surprised - quite enthusiastically welcomed the call: The German Agro Action spoke of a "good day for the development of policy," Misereor invented almost Wilhelmine of languages: "Fighting Poverty knows no party boundaries." This is the promise that 0.7% of gross national income of developed countries are to be used for development aid, a 40-year-old hat and was not met until today. Whether you are close to the finish line of the Millennium Development Goals 2015 made it seriously, remains to be seen.
The call of the six members is certainly a novelty. It reads as follows:
keep the promise!
call for a cross-party consensus to achieve development to share the 0.7% target
The promise of the developed nations, 0.7 percent of their gross national income to the poorest of the poor and provide for development cooperation and humanitarian assistance, is more than 40 years old.
particular, Member States of the European Union reaffirmed their pledge and concrete, and in 2005 committed themselves to achieve the 0.7% target later than 2015. There were also set binding interim targets. For example, Germany should have, for example, by 2010, ODA to reach at least 0.51%.
We have to recognize that Germany has not reached this intermediate target. Since then, the 0.7% target, there have so far all of the federal government, in principle, to know - but never set the funds in the budget, the path would have met to achieve this goal. The current federal government puts her in the coalition agreement made commitment to the 0.7% target has not been able to obtain sufficient numbers in the federal budget and the medium term financial planning.
In light of the unsatisfactory results for all ODA recent federal governments, we call on them to refrain from the blame game but now to make better together.
The example of the UK that it is possible to achieve the 0.7% target in the party political Clashes and extract to achieve broad developmental consensus in Parliament, which has been welcomed by the majority of the population. Despite the economic and financial crisis and a budget that provides for drastic austerity measures in many sectors, the UK currently increasing its spending on development cooperation and humanitarian aid and is expected to reach the 0.7% target already 2013th
After more than 40 years proclaiming the 0.7% target and almost four years before the target year 2015, it is also in Germany, high time for a party and cross-party consensus on development policy: The promise must be implemented consistently and Draft budget for 2012, and for the medium term financial plan be submitted with the 0.7% goal can actually be achieved by 2015.
To keep the promise and close the gap to ODA would need in the next four years in the federal budget funds for development cooperation and humanitarian aid grow significantly - on average each fiscal year by at least 1.2 billion euros. Complemented by innovative financial instruments could be made as a major contribution to bridging the gap ODA.
This is the face of enormous global challenges - hunger around one billion people-in truest sense of the word necessary.
Whether the necessary funds can be applied is primarily a question of priorities. Whether we refer to the need for honesty and reliability, on Christian charity, international solidarity and global justice - we feel morally obliged to insist on compliance with the 0.7% commitment and request the Cabinet and the Budget Committee of the German Bundestag to finalize the necessary points.
Of course, the effectiveness and efficiency of German and multilateral development cooperation, taking into account the policy framework be further improved. Quality and quantity must not be pitted against each other. Both must be increased to the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 to achieve yet still can.
A development-political consensus to achieve the 0.7% target should be worn by all the groups together and is responsible and so partisan profiling experiments may be withdrawn. But
be to work with this with all conviction.
signatories and undersigned:
Holger Haibach, MdB (CDU / CSU), Heike Hänsel, Member of Parliament (The Left faction), Thilo Hoppe, Member of Parliament (Group Alliance 90/The Greens), Bärbel Kofler, MP (SPD group), Harald Leibrecht, MP (FDP fraction), Sabine Weiss, MP (CDU / CSU)
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