This week London has a "review" its aid budget announced that is currently amounts to 8.4 billion pounds, a major overhaul, so to speak, with the same characteristics as the roll back, which currently runs in the BMZ ( >>> Niebel bad governance ). In essence there are two surgical procedures: is it after the current secretary of the British government for international cooperation, Andrew Mitchell, the future of development cooperation is "a partnership with business". This will not only decide on the priorities for action and to promote "innovation in the health care system and food security", but also solve the global poverty problem. "On what planet lives Mitchell actually, "said the former as director of the Ford Foundation, Michael Edwards ( >>> Do not sell British aid to business ).
Mitchell sees - just as Niebel - in the "partnership with business" a new paradigm of development policy, along the lines of "private sector - public benefit." Wrongly assumed, however, not Edwards, will in the end, read more: "Private benefit - public subsidization" - just as the BMZ is currently held jointly with the German Chamber of Commerce and a tour that gives the German company tips how to take orders from the German aid to the country.
relates to the second surgical intervention of the British country-as redistribution of the EZ-cake. Overall, the number of beneficiaries will be reduced by 16. Empty-handed in the future countries like Burundi and Niger, which are among the poorest in the world. Instead, Pakistan is rising, the future is to get the biggest chunk of the British development cooperation. On the seventh digit of the beneficiary countries puts Afghanistan. No wonder that for the World Development Movement as the "securitization of aid," the subordination of the Year by military security concerns to a "serious concern" is.
Where London will proceed in the future is different, including the funding of multilateral organizations are likely to be UNICEF, the Global Fund (the Niebel now closed for the first time has the means - what an irony!) And received the World Food Programme in the future more resources, while the contributions to the ILO and UN-Habitat should be reduced - because of "lack of performance ('performance')": Hear, hear - what is performance, as always determine the donor!
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