the Cajamarca region in figures:
Produced in Cajamarca, the largest gold mine in Latin America - Yanacocha - priceless treasures.
In 2005, broken down in the mines 2.609 million ounces of gold.
The gold price is currently at a record high of 930 USD per ounce gold and is probably achieved soon exceed the 1000 USD mark.
to contrast a few more numbers that also relate to the region of Cajamarca:
proportion of the rural population in Cajamarca: 72%
number of people living in Cajamarca below the poverty line: 77%
children with chronic Unterernäherung: 1996: 38.7% 2000: 42.8%
number of serious respiratory diseases: 1994: 12311, 2000: 48 098
number of severe diarrhea: 1996: 7363, 2000: 11 645
number of skin diseases: 1996: 802, 2001 : 2309
number of inflammatory eye disease: 1996: 11, 2001: 310
Social Conflict in Peru in 2007:
23.4% of all social conflicts in Peru are located in Cajamarca and Ancash, the two most important mining regions in Peru
number of mine conflicts in Cajamarca in 2007: 14
murdered peasant leader in Cajamarca:
* November 2004: Juan Montenegro Lingan (Santa Cruz)
* August 2006: Isidro Llanos ChevarrÃa (Combayo)
* November 2006: Esmundo Cotrina Becerra (Yanacanchilla)
farmers, who have a pending Gerichtsverfahrfen (2007):
Negritos in the district ( District excluding mining activity) 01
district PORCON Bajo (district with mining activity): 32
number of peasants who in 2007 were arrested in connection with mining conflicts: Totoracocha District: 6
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