Thursday, January 31, 2008

Woke Up Today And Balance Is Off

A bad movie ...

cameras, film cameras, security personnel, surveillance personnel. Our recent shootings around the Yanacocha gold mine in the same many a time a cheap spy thriller. The company had the written request of the television crews to assist in the filming of a short and concise reportage ARTE rejected with the phrase: ". We have no interest in cooperating on this project"

When we finally arrive in January for 10 days to rotate, but the company operates a significant expense to us at work beoachten and us to track every step: As soon as we approach the mine, we are surrounded by vehicles from which video and digital cameras are pointed at us. We ask ourselves frequently, who here actually make a film about whom ...

Pay attention to instructions of our partner organization, we scrupulously careful not to land the to connect business, since we otherwise probably the police immediately rush to the neck and, possibly, equal to confiscate our film would.

At a rally of farmers living near the mine, just outside the company, we look astonished the threats, which ascends the company to intimidate the villagers - from the Department of "Communication and social concerns" about the company's lawyer, private security forces, police and prosecutor are present and observe all the tense mood in the march of the farmers. It is an absurd Scenario, and moreover one that is without any communication taking place - the peasants marching in front of the mine up and down, the guards of the company to build a threatening scenario. Nobody talks to anybody.

also speaks to us with none.

We are photographed, tracked and spied on.

but nobody wants to talk with us.

The big yellow advertising sign at the entrance of the company, which tells of social responsibility, the peaceful coexistence between agriculture and mining, among mine workers and farmers, stands as a shrill reminder in the landscape.


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