Many farmers are from Marco's NGO Grufides legal advice because they have their country a lot sold at low prices to the gold mine because the company is the farmers who oppose his policies, any spurious legal proceedings to the neck is because the company water channels and sources for himself and his production claimed, without regard to people's needs into account.
The priest is committed to the company a constant thorn in the side - not only did he inform the farmers about expansion plans of the mine, on concessions and mining plans on environmental impact and social side effects, he is also nationally and internationally well connected with other industry critics, maintains contacts with politicians, human rights activists, to environmentalists, academics and journalists around the world.
The company is doing so well all that damage to his reputation and get his work into disrepute. "First they tried to bribe me, as it did not work, they have slandered me. They call me agitators, terrorists, drug dealers, ladies' man. "But ultimately reaches the company with its smear campaigns just the opposite. Let the local and national media, no matter how corrupt be and the worst things about Marco report - the foreign journalist from New York Times, BBC and Le Monde Diplomatique can be of such heavy-handed and biased reporting does not dazzle.
Marco has for years been the center of attention, and behind him are hundreds of farmers who feel betrayed by the mine and threatened. They see him as the only true support to defend their rights, the only reliable partner to clarify questions, get information and advice.
The company sees the other hand, in as one of his most dangerous opponent. The foreign press celebrates him as a hero. And he - as he sees himself? His voice sounded resigned when he speaks of the mission that God has imposed upon him. It is a heavy cross he must bear, and he would have not chosen voluntarily. And yet it is with all my heart. "Give up? No, I never considered "
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